History of Bronze Age Coastal Port Cities Now on Shallow Seafloor so Where’s the Interest?

Have you ever asked a professor where are the ruins of the bronze age port cities of for instance the Canaanites, or the Egyptians, the Greeks, or the Indus Valley people? Try it, then bet that they won’t cite the many ruins in those locales now on the shallow seafloor since the end of the [...] read more →

Reason Why Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis Ignores Submerged Ruins May Soon be Known

One at the Facebook page of the foundation website said that Sunday (yesterday), he would ask Ken Ham about the submerged ruins found in many parts of the world and their implication for the timing of the end of the Ice Age, no report yet. That we know of, Ham has never written nor lectured [...] read more →

Legend of Flood of Dardanus Sailed East to Troy from Greece Via Island Mount Samothrace

Even Wikipedia says that Dardanus sailed east from the greek mainland to settle what was a coastal highland of the northern Aegean coast, and that coastal highland became the island of Samothrace when the sea level rose, known as the Flood of Dardanus. But what Wiki doesn’t tell you is that Homer mentions Dardanus having lived ten generations before [...] read more →

If Not Canaanites Who Built Cities Now Submerged Off Lebanon and Israel then Who Did?

With submerged sites such as Yarmuta, old Byblos, old Sidon, Atlit Yam, and Akko, off the coast of Lebanon and Israel, who but the Canaanites could have built them, and does this not prove that the Ice Age followed Noah’s Flood? Afterall, Canaan was a grandson of Noah, and the Ice Age could have been caused by [...] read more →

Do You Know Why Alternative Archaeologists Don’t Like to Talk about Submerged Ruins Anymore?

Many remember when Graham Hancock’s book Underworld was all the rage about a decade ago in which he for the first time brought to the world’s attention the submerged and often megalithic ruins found in many parts of the world. Some of the ruins such as off islands of Japan were scultped from the natural [...] read more →

One of Greatest Calls of History was Julius Africanus Saying Flood of Ogyges at Time of Exodus

Julius Africanus wrote that almost two thousand years before his time occurred the Flood of Ogyges and the Exodus of the Jews out of Egypt in the same timeframe, perhaps one of the great calls of history, for that was when the climate change to desert began in Egypt and when too the Flood of [...] read more →

Underwater Cities Near Alexandria Flummox to Ignorance Mainstream Scientific Historians

When the underwater ruins of Menouthis and Heraklion in Aboukir Bay off Egypt’s coast were confirmed by scientific instrumentation and direct salvaging over a decade ago, more information came out then than in all the years which followed, such as that the cities were miles in extent with a canal having connected the two, the canal [...] read more →

Aegean Flood Kings are Big Hint for Timeline of Ice Age and its End at Time of Exodus

Plato wrote that Erichthonius lived in the timeframe that Atlantis went under, and Homer in the Iliad wrote that Erichthonius was a son of Dardanus, for whom the Flood of Dardanus was named, when the Rhode river became the Dardanelles strait as the sea level rose to infill the Black Sea basin. Erectheus and Cecrops who ruled [...] read more →

Amos Nur of Stanford Says Menouthis and Heraklion Slid into Aboukir Bay of Nile Canopic Branch

Amos Nur of Stanford set about to explain the submerged ruins of the cities Menouthis and Heraklion, now in the middle of Aboukir Bay, about 15 miles northeast from Alexandria on the submerged channel of the now extinct Canopic branch of the Nile. Nur decided that earthquakes caused those cities to slide into the sea [...] read more →

Egyptians Became Sea Peoples Too When Heraklion and Menouthis Were Flooded by the Sea

We read about whom the Egyptians called the Sea Peoples invading Egypt during the bronze age collapse, the time of the Trojan War, when armadas of ships sailed into the Nile Delta, displaced from lands around the rim of the Mediterranean (and even the eastern Atlantic of Atlantis). Yet some of the Sea Peoples displaced [...] read more →