28 Apr 2013

Climate Change Bronze Age Realization by Harvey Weiss at Yale Began Academic Concentration

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The academic world is now trumpeting the climate change which ended the bronze age, focusing on it to supposedly learn lessons about what we’re ostensibly doing wrong today, yet when they begin (with your help) to focus too on the submerged ruins built circa 200o b.c., they’ll see that their date circa 2200 b.c. is wrong for the climate change, wrong because there was much more carbon 12 by volcanics at that time.

Google search Climate Change Bronze Age, and you’ll see that they are following Harvey Weiss’ lead in coming to realize that the deserts of the world formed at that time, leaving ruins now in deserts, and offshore are the submerged ruins ‘though which they haven’t factored into the equation, the submerged ruins of Yarmuta for instance off Lebanon, which disappeared from the pages of history at the time of the Exodus, that climate change described also in the Ipuwer Papyrus.

