Submerged Ruins Atlantis
Have you ever seen a map showing the bronze age port cities of the world? You certainly have not, because the darwinists will tell you sea level at circa 2000 B.C. was little different than today, yet the presence of hundreds of submerged ruins’ sites from the Gulf of Chambay to Bimini, and from Cornwall to Nan Madol, certainly belie that notion, with most of the submerged ruins worldwide in the Mediterranean and eastern Atlantic, right where you’d expect them to be, where Sidon, Peleg, Javan, Tarshish, and Atlas plied the waters, building their port facilities, now submerged since the end of the Ice Age. Here is a partial list of the submerged ruins worldwide, with pictures where available, to be soon updated as more photos will undoubtedly roll-in from interested “submergie” aficionados, so help out if you can, hard as it may be for a darwinist to do, but certainly not for a soon-to-be ex-darwinist, we shall see.
Red Inundated “Bronze Age” Land
Black Sea
Amazing megalithic ruins submerged in the Black Sea have been photographed off Anapa, Russia, which look like the great stone ruins of Machu Picchu or Mycenae, a mile from shore in a hundred feet of water, near the ice age mouth of the Don river (named later for Dan), and Robert Ballard photographed "bronze age looking" housing foundations off Sinope, Turkey, and pylons of huge timbers in the shallow seafloor off Bulgaria indicate the construction of very large wooden buildings, all submerged since the end of the Ice Age circa 1500 b.c.Spain/Gibraltar/Morocco
This was the center of the Atlantean empire, with submerged ruins reported off Ceuta, Tarifa, Zahara de Los Atunes, Cadiz, Rota, and Chipiona of Spain, and the ruins of the city of Atlantis perhaps thirty miles south of Cadiz in a hundred feet of water, ruins too at several locations off Morocco on both sides of Gibraltar, so why have we not seen reports about these on National Geographic and the Discovery Channel, perhaps because the Ice Age ended much later than they’re telling us?
Submerged ruins have been reported off Cornwall’s Isles of Scilly, in Cardigan Bay, off Tory Island, and off the Brittany coast of the Kingdom of Ys, also known as Keris, all these submerged ruins part of Atland as it’s called in the ancient book Oera Linda of the Frisians, that empire also known as Atalan, and don’t bet against Avalon, the story adapted two thousand years later.
Famed british nautical archaeologist Nic Flemming reported submerged bronze age (read ice age) ruins off Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya; at Gigthis, Al Jezirah, Thaene, Achulla, Sullectum, Thapsus, Horrea Cahelia, Neopolis, Mour, and Carpis, and off Sliema, Malta, massive temple ruins are reported like those onshore, all bronze age vintage, atlantean, as Plato said that Atlantis extended inside the Pillars of Hercules (Gibraltar) to Libya and Italy (Tyrian Sea); how far outside he didn’t say, perhaps because he had not heard about the ice age tin mines of the Formorians (men of Morocco) at Cornwall, England, nor about Bimini of the Bahamas, ‘though he did write that there was another continent (not Asia) beyond the western ocean.
Bronze age cities such as Psathoura and Pavlopetri now lie on the shallow sea floor off the coast of Greece, submerged since the time of the Flood of Ogyges, the same flood as of Atlantis, and Dardanus, when the ice age ended. Other reported locations by the greek government are off Astakos, Platygiali, Psouthora, and Abdera, with submergies too reported off Lemnos, Samothrace, and who knows how many other locations? Discovery Channel, History Channel, please get on down there, the maritime history of bronze age Greece is there to be found. Submerged ruins are reported in the Bay of Syracuse off Sicily, and in the Bay of Naples by Nic Flemming, and off the coast of Turkey too, the land of the Carians, namesake of the Caribbean and Cariococa (Rio de Janeiro), no doubt having sailed there when the Ice Age ended, when too the Amazons sailed across the Atlantic, and east to the Black Sea.
Syria was named after Tyre, anciently known as Tsurriya, the coastal port city which became an island city after the end of the Ice Age, then dominating over rival phoenician port city Sidon, both cities’ previous buildings found submerged just offshore, and twenty miles north of Sidon, the submerged ruins of Yarmuta, a big bronze age city, with submerged ruins there to prove it, if only the darwinists would at least act interested, we could really debate these things, but alas, they see the writing on the wall, proof that the ice age ended much later than they have been telling us, so time to correct, with your help. Off Israel are the submerged ruins of bronze age Atlit Yam and Akko, these also canaanite port cities, and notice Atlit is for Atlas, or water, and Yam is a name for Ham, the great-grandfather of Atlas; that known as Hercle (Hercules) later by the Etruscans.
With extensive submerged megalithic ruins to the northeast of Alexandria in Aboukir Bay, out to four miles from shore, along the submerged channel of the extinct Canopic branch of the Nile, that these too are not discussed by the darwinists is of no great surprise; those submerged “egyptian” cities Heraklion (of Hercle/Atlas) and Menouthis (of Atlas’ brother Mneseas/Minos/Menes), built largely of aswan granite from upper Egypt, were clearly nowhere in sight when Alexander the Great arrived in the region to build his city. Mainstream geologists such as Amos Nur of Stanford have tried to explain away the submerged ruins by saying the cities slid out to sea, oh really?
Underwater ruins in the Gulf of Chambay on the submerged channel of the extinct Sarasvati river extend out to fifity miles from shore, so did those slide out to sea too? You can see that it gets ridiculous to say the Ice Age ended circa 10000 b.c. when but there are legendary bronze age ruins, in this case of the Indus Valley Civilization, far out at sea, some also in the Gulf of Kutch, the submerged ruins of Kususthali (Dwarka), the ocean port city of Kush, the name of the city the key actually to actually deciphering the Indus Valley script because the ligature in the Indus script for thalassocracy is a triton-looking sign, a semitic alphabet applied to that language now written as vedic sanskrit. Along the southeastern coast of India from Mahabalpiuram down to Cape Comoran are submerged megalithic ruins of the Kingdom of Kumari Kandam, flooded according to the vedic literature such as the flooding of Kususthali of the Indus Civilization by sea level rise.
Persian Gulf
That shallow bay of the ocean was dry land during the ice age when sea level was much lower, the combined waters of the ice age Tigris and Euphrates rivers flowed down through that land of pastures, marshes, and forests, with the submerged ruins of Kish now reported by iranian divers, surely many more to be discovered, perhaps of legendary Meluha, where Noah (Utnapishtim) may have spent his last days according to the Epic of Gilgamesh, having died in the time of Abraham.
Western and South Pacific
Many have heard of the fabulously extensive and massive basalt column buildings of Nan Madol on the island of Ponape, the Caroline islands of the western Pacific, yet offshore there is the real story, submerged ruins down to a hundred feet, even vertical columns still standing, submerged since the end of the ice age. And off the Ryukyu Islands of southern Japan, off the islands of Yonaguni and Chatan for instance, are the magnificent submerged ruins of the old Kami, named after guess who? Yes, no doubt Cham, Ham, Khem, the Kami later associated with spirits to be appeased, that good ol’ ancestor worship, very common in ancient times and today. Many other submerged ruins have been reported across the Pacific, and who would doubt it?
Exploration of Likely Submerged Locations
Where would you guess other submerged ruins might be found? Perhaps some are buried in sediments along the flooded channel of the Mississippi river in the Gulf of Mexico, or submerged at the mouth of the Rhone in the Mediterranean, or the Danube now submerged in the Black Sea, or buried in sediments at the mouth of the Niger? Let’s encourage the nautical archaeologists to photograph the hundreds of known sites of submerged ruins, but don’t hold your breath for that, because the work done by such as new agers Graham Hancock and David Hatcher Childress documenting submerged ruins, and then trying to extend the bronze age back to 10000 b.c., and work by Nic Flemming, trying rationalize the sculpted blocks and pillars of submerged bronze age ruins with his darwinian timeline for the end of the Ice Age at 10000 b.c., leave only the biblical model as the rational alternative, oh the horror!
Exposition Two:
Atlantis has consistently been a source of great confusion for history buffs ever since the time of Plato who recorded the famous tale (the story which the egyptian priests of Sais had reported to the greek historian Solon circa 600 b.c.), yet when you read carefully the atlantean tale in Plato’s Critias and Timaeus, you’ll see that the empire of Atlantis was clearly bronze age, with trireme ships, global navigation, bronze age weaponry, megalithic cities, and kings cited in that timeframe who lived not 12,000 years ago, but in the general timeframe of the Exodus, those kings such as Erisichthon, Cecrops, Erechtheus, and Theseus, aegean kings whom Plato wrote lived just after the submergence of the atlantean empire (and much of Greece).
Plato never said that Atlantis was a lost continent, but he did say it was an island, using the word nesos which ‘though also means peninsula, in this case really the iberian peninsula (now Spain and Portugal), with the mountains of southern Spain, the Sierra Nevada and Morena in the story, the range of mountains to the north of the city of Posidon (Sidon son of Canaan), also known as the city of Atlas (Sidon’s son), that concentric ringed canal city of Atlantis now submerged about 30 miles south of Cadiz (namesake of Atlas’ brother Gades) since the end of the Ice Age. Plato wrote that the empire of Atlantis extended inside the Pillars of Hercules (Gibraltar) all the way to Libya and Italy (Tyrhennian Sea), and outside Gibraltar as well, clearly a coastal navigating empire of the bronze age, which obviously was too during the Ice Age.
Another greek legend of the great sea level rise which consumed much of Greece was the Flood of Ogyges, a greek king who is said to have taken rule after 189 years of anarchy which followed that massive sea level rise when climate change and the loss of coastal real estate had thrown much of the inhabited world into chaos, so you wonder why Plato didn’t factor this into his dating for the demise of Atlantis, but for whatever reason, Plato contradicted himself in citing the greek kings of circa 1300 b.c. and bronze age weaponry and navigation capability in his story as having lived almost 10,000 years before his time. Yet another flood of ancient greek lore was the Flood of Deucalion, that one plainly described as the flood which covered the entire earth, Noah’s Flood, the geothermal heating then by the fountains of the great deep having been the engine for the Ice Age, which began to end circa 1500 b.c. when the oceans of the world had cooled to about today’s temperatures.
Exposition Three:
Plato wrote that Posidon (Canaan’s son Sidon) bestowed ten districts of atlantean empire governorship to his sons, one son Atlas having gained the kingship of the district of the concentric canal ringed city of Atlantis, his namesake (along with the Atlantic ocean and the Atlas mountains), that legendary capital city of Atlantis where the worship of Posidon was centered and practiced for perhaps forty generations until the Ice Age ended (when the sea level rose to consume 25 million square miles of coastal real estate worldwide). So what about the other regions of the atlantean empire governed by the other nine sons of Posidon noted in Plato’s diaglogue with Critias?
Several of the names of the brothers of Atlas stand out geographically to confirm the vast range of the atlantean empire which Plato wrote extended to even ice age coastal Egypt, where Posidon’s son Mneseas (who was perhaps king Menes of Egypt) founded the now submerged city of Menouthis, its magnificent ruins submerged five miles from shore near Alexandria (which was founded by Alexander the Great as a port city circa 350 b.c. when Menouthis and also now submerged Heraklion were nowhere in sight), and another brother of Atlas named Elasippus was obviously the founder of Olisippo, Portugal, the modern name Lisbon, comporting with that Plato wrote in his diaglogue with Timaeus that the atlantean empire extended far outside the Pillars of Hercules as well (the rulerships of Atlas and his twin brother Gades/Cadiz between Gibraltar and Olisippo). Of course the rich tin (required for the production of bronze) source region near Cornwall, England, ruins now submerged offshore there, was undoubtedly part of the realm of Atlantis, but we know not which son of Posidon was the iniital ruler there, yet to be determined.
In his dialogue with Timaeus, Plato wrote that the atlantean empire extended to the Tyrhennian sea, of course which is the sea of Italy’s western coast. And since such as Nic Flemming of nautical archaeological fame have reported submerged megalithic ruins in the Bay of Naples and off Syracuse, Sicily, with submerged megalithic ruins noted too of the northeast coast of nearby Malta (which was connected to Sicily during the ice age), the empire of Atlantis was certainly as Plato said it was, a coastal empire stretching far inside and outside the Pillars of Hercules, clearly to Egypt and Italy, and far up the Atlantic coast as well. So the popular notion that the empire of Atlantis was some continent-sized island now submerged way out in the Atlantic ocean is proven ridiculous, because that empire was demonstrably a vast ice age maritime empire of the western Mediterranean and eastern Atlantic coastlines, which comports with the blblical timeline, that the Ice Age ended circa 1500 b.c. at the time of the Exodus of the jews out of Egypt to the land of the Canaanites, their patriarch having been Canaan, the father of Sidon (Posidon).
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