Exposition One:
All money donated to the Genesis Veracity Foundation will purchase radio ad time; the radio ads produced (links to radio ads) are playing on selected stations in markets nationwide as our money flow allows. All foundation overhead is paid by the founder, so one hundred percent of money donated buys airtime, well used with these fun and intriguing short ads, much bang for the buck we think, when the people, hopefully millions of them, will digest this certainly compelling evidence demonstrating the veracity of the Genesis account. You can donate with labor helping this website of enlightenment go viral on the worldwide web.
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Past Radio Shows and Ads:
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Downloadable Books
Click here to download the PDF version of Ice Age Civilizations
Click here to downlaod the PDF verison of Old Earth? Why Not!
See YouTube presentations: http://youtube.com/genesisveracity
Checks to be mailed to:
Genesis Veracity Foundation
PO Box 818
5773 Woodway Dr
Houston, Tx 77057
Please email any questions or comments, and thank you now if you’re writing that check to donate; the money will go to open the eyes of millions, money well spent to those of us who value intellectual honesty in the public arena.